"Blessing of the Energy Centers 2"
Meditation - MP3 file
Meditation “Blessing of the Energy Centers Part 2” (MP3 file)
We only recommend this meditation to those people who have already practiced the Blessing of the Energy Centers meditation and now want to develop their skills further.
Everything in the universe we know consists of light and information or energy and consciousness - or it radiates them. This means that your body is not only made up of these energies, but that it also continually emits and receives light and information or energy and consciousness.
The energy centers in your body are information centers. Each center has a network of neurons that connect to a specific gland in your body. When these neuronal plexuses become incoherent, the brain was previously incoherent. Once this occurs, the nerve plexus changes hormonal activity, nerve conductivity, and interaction with the various corresponding organs with tissues and cells throughout the body.
Dr. Joe now takes the teaching of the Blessing of Energy Centers to the next level by introducing the use of certain symbols - symbols that represent new information and new instructions. Whether you want to create a new experience in your life or bring healing energy to an organ in your body, Dr. Joe guides you through this meditation to create new and exciting transformational experiences!
Dr. Joe Dispenza – New York Times bestselling author, researcher, chiropractor and speaker. His creative approach bridges neuroscience and true human potential.
Part 1: Explanation: 26 minutes
Part 2: Meditation: 46 minutes
Total duration: 75 minutes
Translator: Marlon Rosenthal
Cover design by John Dispenza | Music by Barry Goldstein – Album: Ignite the Heart, Song: Ascend and by Steven Halpern – Album: OM ZONE: Om Grooves
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